The extremist group Boko Haram has released a video showing the execution of Nigerian soldiers in Borno. The captured Nigerian soldiers were dressed in red, a color of blood that DAECH routinely used to carry out summary executions of captives sentenced to death. Since the reported presence in Boko Haram of some veterans of Daesh black complexion, Lake Chad recognizes a resurgence of deadly operations on all fronts of the countries bordering the BLT. If on a military level countries such as Chad, Niger, Cameroon, Nigeria and Benin have managed to set up a mixed military force, on a preventive level, things are far from moving despite the multiplication of meetings generally. unproductive. One of the tools of the prevention remains the deradicalisation and especially the socio-professional reintegration of the disenfranchised ones of Boko Haram. However, this tool is not taken seriously by the actors. According to the Center for Studies for the Development and Prevention of Extremism, the CEDPE, there are more than 2,200 disengaged people identified in April 2018. However, no strategy of supervision and reintegration has taken place and in lack of a clear future for some have become volatile, either to reintegrate the extremist ideology or to take the path of immigration. The disengaged Boko Haram are struggling to survive. They are not supported by the humanitarian organizations that swarm the province while the most immediate difficulty is related to the lack of food and income generating activities. The other challenge is stigma: "People in my community still refer me to Boko Haram. They stigmatize me. I understand them, but I have already cut the bridge with the movement ", (Inter.No. 68, H22 years old, Méléa).
Source : CEDPE
Automatic translation
Source : CEDPE
Automatic translation